Deposition &
Trial Preparation
It is difficult to overstate the importance of having a medical expert on a case who is articulate and capable of clearly explaining complicated ideas. Even the most qualified physician can easily become a liability if he/she cannot explain the issues so that the jury of non-medical professionals can comprehend.
In addition to being articulate, a successful medical expert must appear polite and calm at all times, regardless of what happens in the courtroom. Because we understand how crucial a medical expert witness can be, we offer deposition and trial preparation for our physicians to assist them in expressing their expert opinions to the best of their ability.

For additional medical legal services outside of
workers compensation, please contact us:
For additional medical legal services outside of workers compensation, please contact us:

Ayelet Cohen
Senior Manager of Med-Legal Services
Tel: 1 (458) 227-7709
Email: acohen@calmedeval.com