Online QME
Report Writing Course
Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 8 §11.5, prior to appointment as a new QME, all physicians must complete at least 12 hours of approved instruction on disability evaluation report writing.
This Online 12-hr Report Writing Course is approved by the DWC to satisfy this requirement.

Survival Guide for QMEs
The course features approximately 50 minutes of video presentation followed by a 10 question quiz.

AMA Guides
6th Edition IME Training
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition, methodology and its role in workers’ compensation.

Continuing Education
California Medical Evaluators is accredited by the Administrative Director of the California Division of Workers’ Compensation for Qualified Medical Evaluator continuing education. Physicians may report up to 12 hours of credit issued by California Medical Evaluators for QME reappointment. (California Code of Regulations, Title 8, § 55(f)).
Instructions: After viewing all of the videos and resource materials for your course, please follow the instructions to complete your self-administered online exam. Upon successful completion of the exam (scoring 70% or higher), you will be emailed a certificate of completion.
Please note that course access expires 90 days after registration.
Additional 30-day access can be purchased by contacting qmecourse@calmedeval.com