Fitness for
Duty Evaluation
Fitness for Duty (FFD), also known as Fitness for Duty Evaluations (FFDE) are medical examinations conducted by a physician to determine whether an employee is fit (physically, mentally, or emotionally) to perform essential job functions. FFDEs are usually requested by employers or government agencies if there is reasonable concern that an employee may be unable to do their job because of a medical/psychological condition. FFDEs might also be requested in instances where an employee may be a threat to themselves or others.
California Medical Evaluators receives frequent requests for FFDEs from state and federal agencies, private and public companies, HR firms, universities, municipalities, and other organizations. Our physicians performing FFDEs are provided with the same practice management services offered to QME physicians, including report writing review. At CME, physicians will receive the training and support they need to excel in all types of med-legal work, including FFDEs.
Employers and Staffing Agencies
Employers and agencies that utilize FFDEs need medical experts who are familiar with the process. Physicians without experience will often write reports focusing on diagnoses and treatment rather than the issues the employer needs addressed, or they may have difficulty being compliant with the laws pertaining to FFDEs.
California Medical Evaluators works with medical professionals in all specialties and can work with you to find the expert you need. Our services include:
- Fitness for Duty Evaluations
- Employee Medical Evaluations
- Employee Psychological Evaluations
- Post-Offer Job Applicant Evaluations
- “Direct Threat” Psychological Evaluations

For additional medical legal services outside of
workers compensation, please contact us:
For additional medical legal services outside of workers compensation, please contact us:

Ayelet Cohen
Senior Manager of Med-Legal Services
Tel: 1 (458) 227-7709
Email: acohen@calmedeval.com