Workers’ Compensation Evaluations
A Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) is a medical professional who is certified by the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) to examine injured workers and write reports evaluating the injuries. A QME is picked from a randomly generated list of certified physicians provided by the DWC.
An Agreed Medical Evaluator (AME) is very similar to a QME except that an AME is chosen if both sides can agree on a physician without involving the DWC. AMEs are usually also QMEs but not necessarily.
CME specializes in providing comprehensive, top quality practice management services for QMEs and AMEs. Our team handles all the administrative details including scheduling, billing, collections, office placement, transcription, and record digitization so our physicians can focus only on the evaluations and reports. In addition to practice management services, CME also offers QME Education Courses, report mentorship, and access to our industry-leading digital marketing services focused on improving QME Panel conversions.
CME physicians are widely respected by attorneys and frequently selected as QMEs and AMEs. Our rigorous training process ensures that all of our physicians are capable of writing outstanding med-legal reports that include appropriate testing, contain a thorough review of records, deal with both parties’ concerns, and address applicable labor code and case law.
Attorneys appreciate working with CME because they can count on receiving comprehensive and prompt reports that help reduce case length, facilitate settlement, and reduce the need for supplemental reports and depositions. When supplemental reports or depositions are requested, attorneys can count on a rapid response from our physicians and staff. From start to finish, the evaluation process will be expertly handled by our team of dedicated and highly trained professionals.
For additional medical legal services outside of
workers compensation, please contact us:
For additional medical legal services outside of workers compensation, please contact us:

Ayelet Cohen
Senior Manager of Med-Legal Services
Tel: 1 (458) 227-7709
Email: acohen@calmedeval.com