Over the past few months, we have expanded our IME capabilities in the greater Los Angeles area. As of August 2017, we now have more than 100 Physicians available at 27 locations in the greater Los Angeles area to perform Independent Medical Evaluations (IMEs) or Fitness for Duty Evaluations (FFDE).
We have gathered feedback from claims adjusters, attorneys, risk managers and HR professionals and the top 2 decisions factors when it comes to selecting an IME provider were location and physician experience. As a result, we have increased our network of expert doctors and increased the number of locations available to conduct Independent Medical Evaluations and Fitness for Duty Evaluations in the greater Los Angeles area.
We also heard that people often had difficulty finding the rare physician specialties for IMEs and often had to call around to many places to find the right IME for the case they were handling. We have also made that a focus for 2017 and have enlisted doctors in a variety of unique specialties.
We have made it easier to request an IME, by adding an online “request an IME” form. If you are looking for an IME or FFDE, we now have an online request an IME form you can use to get the process started.
Over the next few months we will continue to expand our locations in Los Angeles County, hoping to get to 50 locations available for Independent Medical Evaluations in LA by 2018.
Remember, that even though we have a strong IME network in Los Angeles County, we have expanded our network of quality IMEs across the entire state of California!