Neuro IME in Los Angeles

Neuro IME in Los Angeles

Neuro IME in Los Angeles

An expert Neurologist can serve as an expert witness or can conduct independent medical examinations (IMEs), which are very useful when evaluating a wide range of neurological complaints including, numbness, head injuries, any changes in mental processing, changes in hearing or vision, migraines, peripheral nerve injuries, radiculopathies, polyneuropathies, CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome), seizures, and movement disorders and loss of memory. Most neurologic IMEs are necessitated by trauma or injury and typically involve some numbness or loss of sensation. A neurologic IME may also assess occupational conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.  If you are looking for a Neuro IME in Los Angeles, please carefully consider their experience, both clinical and med-legal, prior to paying any retainer fees, will save you time.

When there are claims of injury related to the aforementioned conditions, it is critical that a neuro IME is performed to better understand causation. Due to the fact that a majority of the neuro related complaints are purely subjective, claimant malingering is a concern.  A neuro IME can help identify and mitigate claimant malingering.

We have several board certified neurologists with with fellowship training in clinical neurophysiology, electrophysiologic testing such as, electromyography (EMGs), nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electroencephalograms (EEGs), neurodevelopment disabilities, boulinum toxin therapy and more.

Although the need for Neuro IMEs in Los Angeles is fairly high, we also have board certified Neurologists in other areas throughout California.

I recommend you review the profile of Dr. Daniel Franc, MD, board certified Neurologist in the Los Angeles area.  Dr. Franc is a a great resource to discuss any potential Neurologic conditions.  He has been involved in several medical-legal cases including head injuries, headaches, memory loss, and other major neurologic conditions.

You can request a neurologist expert in Los Angeles online or call us at 888.963.8933.

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